In March of 2010, Chuck Eberhardt and Jon Quade decided to combine their talents and formed a corporation to conduct the business of electrical construction. Chuck had recently moved from the Minneapolis-St Paul area with a vast knowledge in management and electrical construction. Chuck was equipped with 20 years’ experience in both Commercial and Residential, becoming a journeyman in 1995 in Minnesota.
They incorporated in April 2010 under the name Ridge Electric, Inc. They invested their skills and knowledge into their new endeavor with Chuck as the President of the company. Jon has opted to venture into his own company in 2013. Chuck has since been the sole owner and President.
Ridge Electric has been successful in establishing relationships with customers and vendors alike and they have built a reputation of providing quality workmanship with reliable service. In that time, they have learned the needs of the region for electrical contractor skills, cost of production and additional opportunities available.
Copyright © Ridge Electric Services, Inc. All rights reserved.